- Convener Organizing Secretary of International Conference Environmental Sustainability, Green Technologies, Innovations and Start-up Ventures on and beyond Earth, Sep 12-13, 2024
- 1st Prize in oral presentation in a International conference on “Technological advancements for Sustainable Development towards Biodiversity Conservation, at Shoolini University Solan, Feb 22-24’2024.
- Listed as Top 2% Scientist by Stanford University and published by Elsevier Publishers on 4th Oct 2023
- Member of Royal Chemical Society London 2023
- Editor Board Member Scientific reports, Nature IF 3.8
- Editor Board Member Plant BMC IF 5.2
Editor Board Member Springer Nature Journal of Applied Sciences, IF-2.88
Guest Editor: Frontier in Space Technologies IF 2.50;
Guest Editor: Marine Drugs IF 5.118;
Guest Associate Editor in Frontier in Plant Science IF 5.753
Guest Editor: Plos One IF-3.2;
Review editor : Nanobiotechnology IF-5.890
Editor with Prof Richard Gordon in Book Scrivener: Diatom Cultivation for Biofuel, Food and High Value
2023: Appointed as Member of Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, United Kingdoms
2023: Appointed as Affiliate Member of Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, United Kingdoms
2023: BRBP Outstanding contribution Award
2022: Reviewer appreciation award for manuscripts in Bioresource Technology; Bioengineered; Bioengineered; International Journal of Hydrogen Energy; Algal Research; Molecules, Bioresource technology Reports; ACS sensors and actuators and 18 other journals, Reviewer of CEFIPRA project and Icelandic Research Fund.
Best Poster presentation at ASREEM International conference 2021 organized by NIT SURAT and ACS Publishers titled ”Ankesh Ahirwar, Mohd Jahir Khan and Vandana Vinaayk.*. 2021. Haematococcus bioaccumulation of astaxanthin grown in wastewater”.
2018: Invited to chair a session at Cambridge University, Cambridge, United Kingdom in a Professional training course on “Algal Biotechnology Techniques and sustainable Bioeconomy” held on 27-28th Sep 2018.
2017: Fully funded and Travel Award by International Center for Theoretical Physics, Italy to attend and participate in Career Development Workshop for women in Physics to be held in Abdus Salem International Centre for theoretical physics, a UNESCO category 1 institute, Italy.
2015: Best poster paper 2nd position Vandana Vinayak. Genetic engineering to increase lipid production in diatoms at National Seminar organized by the Deptt. of Rural Development and Agricultural Production, North Eastern Hill University, Tura Campus, Meghalaya. On Oct 5 2015.
2015: 1st prize: Milking oil from dye sensitized diatom solar cell without cell lysis. Priyanshu Jain, Vandana Vinayak*, Shristy Gautam, D. Bose and Richard Gordon 27-29 Mar’2015, Ideaz, Cognizance, IIT, Roorkee, India, 1st Prize.
2015: Best poster award ” Diatoms in biofoul monitoring in International Light year conference held on 18-19th Dec 2015, Ankesh, Vandana Vinayak*, Shristy Gautam and Prashant Shukla.
2014: Poster Paper awarded 3rd Prize “Priyanshu Jain, Vandana Vinayak* and J. D Sharma. 2014. Diatom as a crime scene detective.” in Competitive Events on Microbial Biotechnology – Sponsored by Madhya Pradesh Biotechnology Council, Bhopal and Organized by Dept. of App. Microbiology, March 22nd March’2014.
2014: Awarded second prize for presenting paper on National Science day 28th Feb 2014 titled “Genetic Engineering of diatoms to increase the lipid percentage: An alternative source for biofuel. Vandana Vinayak*, Shristy Gautam,Vichar Mishra, Anshuman Rai, Shyam Sundar Jangir and J.D. Sharma on 28th Feb 2014 National Science day.
2013: Appreciation letter from Director Haryana Police Academy, Madhuban, Haryana.
2013: Appreciation letter from Shri Naveen Jindal Member of Parliament (LOK SABHA).
2013: Appreciation letter from Director General of Haryana Police, Police Headquarters, Panchkula.
2012: Best paper awarded Shristy Gautam, Vandana Vinayak* and Aditi Arya 2012. Forensic palynology: a review. Biological sciences, 22nd All India Forensic Science Conference, 26-28th June’pp-21.
2011: Meritorious student award Fellow of city Montessori School(FCMS)-2011 at City Montessori School, Lucknow, the only school with its name in Guinness book of world record.
2010:Commendation Class -I certificate and award money of Rs 10,000 received from Director General of Police Haryana.
2009: “Noel Deerr Gold Medal Award” for best paper presentation by His Excellency former President of India Dr. A.P.J ABDUL KALAM on occasion of 70th Annual Convention of STAI on 26th August’ 2009 held at Udaipur India.
2008: “Young Scientist Award” in Molecular Biology at a National seminar on Physiological and Biotechnological approaches to improve plant productivity on March 17’ 2008. from Prof Ravi. N. Chibber from University of Saskatchewan, Canada and Prof A.K Dhawan Director Center of Plant Biotechnology, Hisar, DSTHSCST.
1999: State Merit Scholarship holder during Post Graduation (M.Sc Biochemistry), at Punjab Agricultural University
1996: Certificate of Merit for being 8th in the Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar during B.Sc